Physical: 100 Quest 2

2 teams of 5 contestants will play against each other. Both teams must cross a bridge and fill a tube with sand. Contestants must only travel via the bridges and cannot pass sandbags to each other on the bridge. The team to gather more sand in 12 minutes wins.

Quest 2.5:

Contestants eliminated from Quest 2 were given another chance to survive. Each contestant must hold onto the rope connected to their torso. The weight of the torso they must hold up is equivalent to 40% of their body weight. The 5 contestants who holds out to the end wins.

Click on a contestant to view their profile.

👑 = Team leader

🏆 = Quest 2 winner

💪🏼 = Quest 2.5 winner

❌ = Eliminated

Team 1 Vs. Team 9

Team 1

Team 9

Team 2 Vs. Team 10

Team 2

Team 10

Team 3 Vs. Team 8

Team 3

Team 8

Team 4 Vs. Team 5

Team 4

Team 5

Team 6 Vs. Team 7

Team 6

Team 7